Our toddlers’ program is carefully designed to let the child create independence and self-expression in a classroom that will inspire them. The classrooms are equipped with toys and materials appropriate for their age and needs. It is also organized to encourage educational activities like creative art, literature, music, beginners math. our program is designed to guide the child through their transition from babies to toddlers promoting their independence, self-esteem, social abilities, gross and fine motor skills and to develop thinking and problem-solving skills. We make sure that our parents are well informed with daily reports. Our teachers’ guide, care and advise the children, but they also let them feel free to give them the opportunity to explore and learn for themselves. Communication with parents is essential for a child’s healthy development.
Language and Verbal Development
- Name and identify objects
- Participate in conversation
- Engage in stories read by teachers and also handle books
- Expression of emotions
Creative Art
- Color and scribble, finger paint among many others
- Social and emotional abilities
- Follow routines
- Share and respect
- Play independently and with friends
Fine and Gross Motor Skills
- Play with puzzles
- Climb
- Use silverware to eat
- Empty and fill objects
- Push and pull objects
- Sense of balance